
Design is Serious Business

A BI Tool for Self-Insured Co's

Understanding user workflows in a complex Healthcare B2B Platform.

Design Methods Deck

Alex Cheek and I developed this card deck over the course of a decade. The cards represent our unique approach to consulting work in …

Univers for 2020

A 2020 interpretation of Adrian Frutiger’s Univers based on the open-source Univers U001.

Service Blueprinting for Alignment

Capital One's wealth management team was struggling to launch. There wasn't an overarching understanding of all the moving parts …

Designing an App with Friends

One conversation turned into a company

LikeNow started from a single conversation. Joey had the realization that startup …

Finding Innovation in SBA Loans

The bank sent me to investigate potential financial opportunities related to Small Business Loans. I was chosen to lead a team since the …

Designing a Culture of Innovation

Our team was tasked with developing a venture pipeline of fintech businesses to be grown as arms of the more established company.


Pitch Video at Alphalab Demo Day

Designing for Collective Accountability

There is one situation that all designers, at least this designer, loves and fears at the same time–working for another designer.

Solving Community Security with More Community

Problem: More Access = More Problems

As my coworking space gets larger, the space has been left open more often than I'd like. Some …

LegalSifter: From Consumer App to B2B

After running a design firm for less than a year, there were several occasions when a project would come in and it didn’t make sense to …

Starting a Coworking Space Doesn't Have to Be Hard

Getting the people

I got a grant from a local non-profit that allowed me to open a co-working space for one month. This grant included …

Super Soft Sublease Agreement

Catapult PGH Coworking Lease Agreement

This Catapult PGH Lease Agreement is made between Catapult PGH (also known as "The …

Degrees of Freedom


I have been working on some more interaction design problems, and it occurred to me that almost all computer applications seem like big …

Design is Strategy

The definition of design and strategy are pretty similar.

Designers are the Unreasonable Men

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all …

Directed Storytelling: Designers are Fakers

Nuts and Bolts

First, what is it? Well it's a research method for designers by Shelley Evenson at Carnegie Mellon. From her article …

I Don't Care about Your New Framework

At every design conference someone "invents" a new framework for looking at users. In more understandable terms, people continue to …

Richard Buchanan COINs and Design Keynote Speach

Richard Buchanan was a professor at Carnegie Mellon's Design School before leaving for the Weatherhead School of Management at Case …

Coffee + Workspace

Designing a casual workspace for indendent workers in the city of Pittsburgh.

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